Advanced Commercial Mold Inspection Techniques in West Chester

advanced mold detection techniques

Are you considering commercial mold inspection in West Chester? Mold can happen anywhere and that can include commercial properties. Just because people don’t live in a building doesn’t mean it is susceptible to mold or other health risks. Property and business managers alike need to stay ahead of mold issues before it’s too late. This is where companies like INX can come and use professional detection techniques so you don’t have to worry about mold harming your employees. Read about the methods we use, how you can maintain a safe and healthy work environment, and more!

Why Advanced Mold Detection is Crucial

Mold isn’t something to ignore, especially when there are lots of lives at risk. The old-school way of detecting mold can sometimes miss things, including growth in larger commercial properties. So, you’ll want the advanced mold techniques that INX offers. Here are what some of those methods entail:

Infrared Thermography

The way that infrared thermography works is that it can detect hidden moisture with imaging cameras. These cameras are designed for detecting temperature changes or variations on surfaces, walls, floors, and more. The way that it works is that you point the camera at specific areas in the building, and it can highlight points that show different temperatures. Cold spots usually indicate more moisture than hot ones. Then, once you’ve identified those areas, you can look into if there is any mold without tearing down walls or ceilings that didn’t need it in the first place. A lot of people like this method if there are universities or hospitals because those tend to be huge buildings, and it’s hard to access specific areas as well as challenging to detect mold in general.

Air Quality Testing

Even if you think mold isn’t present in your facility, there can still be signs of mold spores in the air. This is where air quality testing is a great method to use. It’s also known as spore trapping. The way that it works is that workers collect air samples and send them off to a lab for analysis. Then, they can detect if there are any types of mold spores present. Spores like these aren’t always visible to the naked eye. This kind of testing can provide a better idea of what the indoor air quality can look like. Also, it’s great for properties like nursing homes where clean air quality is essential for elderly people.

Advanced Moisture Meters

Another form of detecting mold is using advanced moisture meters. These meters can help in the early detection of mold, which is helpful in properties like restaurants or hotels where mold-free spaces are critical. Cooking food in mold-infested places can create serious health risks and even force closure.

Duct Cleaning

Cleaning is one of the more obvious methods of mold containment but INX is infamous for commercial duct and dryer exhaust cleaning. These small spaces are prime suspects for containing mold so having them frequently cleaned is essential for healthy air quality.

The Importance of Proper Containment

If mold is found on your property, don’t panic! INX Indoor Air Quality has multiple containment strategies, so you won’t have to worry about it spreading. Some of the techniques we use are Air Scrubbers which are used to create a negative pressure to remove the mold effectively. Also, expertise and construction are the top two ways for proper mold remediation. With heavy wood framing and plastic, you can create the ultimate containment method and won’t have to worry about mold again. Luckily, INX has been in the air quality industry for years, so they have professionalism checkmarked as well.

What can mold look like in commercial properties?

What mold contamination can look like.

You may have never seen mold. It can look a couple of different ways when it’s visible, but more often than not, mold appears as patches on the walls, floor, or ceilings. It can be green, black, and even yellow, but in some circumstances, it gives off a musty odor. If you feel like you’ve seen mold in your commercial property, don’t hesitate to get a professional to look at it. Mold can grow quickly, so if you don’t address it properly the first time, it may come back for revenge.

What does mold sickness look like?

Let’s say mold is on your property, but you have no way of knowing. How do you know if it’s causing mold sickness? Every person varies on what symptoms become present in a mold-related illness, but often, there are mild allergic reactions, coughing, sneezing, and sometimes severe respiratory issues. If the mold isn’t contained, these symptoms can continue to get worse and cause ever harsher health risks.

Why Choose INX Indoor Air Quality for West Chester workplace mold safety?

As we’ve mentioned, most companies don’t use the modern-day mold detection and containment methods that INX Indoor Air Quality does. We’re a trusted name that has been around for years in the West Chester area. We have tons of different clients in all sorts of industries, including education, healthcare, hospitality, and more. A lot of our competitors can’t say the same!


Knowing about mold is the first step in being prepared as a commercial property owner. INX is a commercial mold inspection West Chester that has A-grade commercial mold inspection and containment services so that you don’t have to worry about your occupants being around dangerous air quality. Having a mold-free environment is one of many goals to have when owning or running a restaurant, retirement home, manufacturing facility, and more. The last thing you want is for anyone to get sick because you didn’t take the right precautions and advanced mold detection techniques to ensure the space is safe.

Contact us today to schedule your commercial mold inspection in West Chester and experience the difference!

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