Approaches to Eco-Friendly Mold Remediation

A spray bottle and gloves, required for many different eco-friendly mold remediation solutions, on top of a shelf next to a house plant

When a mold infestation rears its ugly head, it’s essential to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible. The problem is that many of the most popular mold removal products contain harmful chemicals that can wreak havoc on your home, your health, and the environment, leaving many looking for more eco-friendly mold remediation alternatives. 

Luckily, there are plenty of green mold removal techniques and products to choose from. All you have to do is pick the one that is most convenient for you. So, if you have a mold problem, here is everything you need to know to ensure your sustainable mold cleanup is a success.

The Problem With Traditional Mold Removal Cleaning Products

It’s no secret that many of the cleaning products homeowners use every day contain harmful chemicals, and mold cleaners are no different. Bleach, ammonia, and formaldehyde are all common ingredients in most mold cleaners, and while they are effective at removing mold, they can also be incredibly harmful.

Exposure to these chemicals can pose serious health problems to you, your family, and your pets, but that’s not all. These chemicals don’t simply disappear once you wash them down the drain. In fact, they often seep into groundwater, where they’ll continue to cause problems long after your mold problem has been taken care of.

Mold problems are serious, but preserving the environment is an even more serious issue. So, if you have the choice, it’s always best to seek out one of the many more eco-friendly alternatives. 

The Best Eco-Friendly Mold Remediation Alternatives

From common products that most already have lying around their homes to less common solutions like essential oils and commercial-grade green mold cleaners, there’s no shortage of eco-friendly mold remediation options. So, if you need an eco-friendly way to clean up your mold problem, here are all the best options.


Vinegar is one of the best options when it comes to eco-friendly mold removal. Not only is it an incredibly common household item, but its mild acidity makes it incredibly effective at stopping mold spores in their tracks.

All you have to do is put your vinegar in a spray bottle and spray it on the mold-infested surfaces. Then let it sit for an hour or two and scrub it all away. Just be aware that vinegar does have a strong scent that may stick around for a few days. 

Baking Soda

Baking soda is another common household item that’s great for eco-friendly mold cleaning, and there are two very simple techniques that you can use to apply it.

The first is simply making a solution consisting of 1 tablespoon of baking soda for every cup of water. You can then use a spray bottle to spray the solution on the affected area and scrub it before reapplying it and letting it dry.

The second option is to create a paste that is half baking soda and half water. You can then spread this paste on the affected area and scrub it off after it dries.

mold growth on a wooden cieling

Lemon Juice

When it comes to all-natural mold cleaning solutions, it’s hard to find one better than lemon juice. Lemon juice’s acidity makes it incredibly effective at killing mold spores, and the pleasant scent it leaves behind is a welcome bonus.

Lemon juice is best used undiluted, and before you apply it, you should wash the moldy area down with soap and water first. Then simply spray the lemon juice, scrub and repeat until you remove all the mold. 

Hydrogen Peroxide

Even though the name may sound like an artificial chemical to some, hydrogen peroxide is actually completely natural and incredibly effective at killing bacteria, fungi, and mold. All you need to do is mix a half hydrogen peroxide and half water solution in a spray bottle and apply it to the mold. Then, let it sit for 10-15 minutes, wipe it away, and repeat until the surface is mold-free.

Essential Oils

Essential oils have long been known for their potential health benefits, but specific essential oils like tea tree oil and grapefruit seed extract are also effective when it comes to removing mold. Just create a solution of either ten drops of grapefruit seed extract or one teaspoon of tea tree oil per cup of water, and use a spray bottle to apply. Leave the solution to dry, and again, wipe it away and repeat until your mold problem is gone.

Commercial-Grade Mold Cleaning Solvents

There are also several eco-friendly commercial-grade mold cleaning solvents that are great for combatting heavier-duty mold issues. These products generally use a combination of natural plant enzymes and other all-natural cleaners and often require much less scrubbing than most other eco-friendly alternatives.

However, these products also tend to be more expensive, so if price is an issue and your mold problem isn’t too big, you may be better off choosing one of the other options.

Dry Ice Blasting

Dry ice blasting is a technique that involves shooting dry ice at the affected area at very high pressures. Basically, imagine a sandblaster or power washer but with dry ice. Its effectiveness at removing mold and other bacteria has made it an increasingly popular eco-friendly mold removal option.

Still, while this technique is incredibly effective, dry ice blasting is quite energy-intensive and requires specialized equipment, making it prohibitively expensive for most homeowners.

INX Indoor Air Quality van parked outside a gymnasium

Contact INX Indoor Air Quality Today

Does your home or business have a mold problem that you can’t get rid of? Give INX Indoor Air Quality a call. Their friendly team of mold removal experts is always there and happy to discuss your mold problem and how they can help you get rid of it. 

They even offer free estimates so you’ll know exactly how much your mold remediation project will cost beforehand. So, don’t let your mold problems get out of hand. Call INX Indoor Air Quality and start your mold remediation project today!

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