Effective Mold Testing Protocols for Schools

school mold safety procedures

Mold safety and airborne toxins really started to become a concern during COVID. When the CDC mentioned how easily it is to get sick through droplets or airborne particles, people started to really worry about how infections can be prevented; the same goes for schools. Schools nationwide started to regard air quality as more important […]

Latest Trends in Mold Remediation for Historic Properties in Chadds Ford

mold remediation in historic buildings

Mold is a serious business, and when it gets into older buildings, there are a lot more challenges. Historical properties are to be treasured but can’t do so if mold wreaks havoc. With the right approach, you won’t have to worry about your historical properties seeing this kind of damage. Here’s everything you need to […]

Seasonal Mold Prevention Tips for Homes

Seasonal mold prevention tips for your home.

Seasons come and go, but mold can be here to stay. As the seasons change, your home’s conditions do as well, inside and outside. Temperatures rise and fall, as well as humidity levels, so with these changes can come substantial mold growth. It’s important to know the significant health risks mold can have on your […]

Advanced Commercial Mold Inspection Techniques in West Chester

advanced mold detection techniques

Are you considering commercial mold inspection in West Chester? Mold can happen anywhere and that can include commercial properties. Just because people don’t live in a building doesn’t mean it is susceptible to mold or other health risks. Property and business managers alike need to stay ahead of mold issues before it’s too late. This […]

How Does Mold Impact Office Air Quality?

two women working in an healthy office where mold isn't impacting office air quality

Whether you’re a business owner or an employee, no one wants to find mold in their office. Not only does mold impact office air quality, but It also smells bad, looks unpleasant, and can cause a number of other problems that can affect everyone who works in the office. Everyone needs clean, healthy air to […]

Essential Home Buyer Mold Inspection Checklist for Home Buyers

mold growth on a wooden ceiling

Buying a home is a huge investment, so new home buyers need to do everything they can to ensure it’s a good one. A big part of this is conducting a comprehensive home buyer mold inspection to ensure that the home is mold-free when you move in.  Still, unless you’re a mold inspection expert yourself, […]

Approaches to Eco-Friendly Mold Remediation

A spray bottle and gloves, required for many different eco-friendly mold remediation solutions, on top of a shelf next to a house plant

When a mold infestation rears its ugly head, it’s essential to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible. The problem is that many of the most popular mold removal products contain harmful chemicals that can wreak havoc on your home, your health, and the environment, leaving many looking for more eco-friendly mold remediation […]

Guide to Handling Mold Remediation in Historic Homes

The inside of a historic home with a mold problem

When it comes to mold remediation, historic homes are some of the most difficult projects to take on. However, even though they are more challenging to work with, mold problems in historic homes are still completely manageable. You just need to know what you’re doing. So, if your historic home has a mold problem, here […]

Mold Madness: Understanding the Health Risks of Mold in Your Home

A woman suffering from a mold allergy

Finding mold growth in your home can be scary. Not only do you have to worry about the damage it can cause and how much it will cost to remove it, but you also need to worry about the variety of health risks that come along with mold exposure.  Whether you have a preexisting condition […]

Professional Mold Removal: Discover Common Indicators of Mold Infestation

mold inspection west chester, mold testing west chester, mold remediation, mold remediation chester county, mold removal chester county, black mold, certified professionals, prevent cross contamination, remove mold, musty odors, health risks, basement waterproofing, collect samples, spring city, west grove, inspection mold

Dealing with a home mold infestation is no laughing matter. Not only can mold cause extensive property damage and a variety of health problems, but the more time the mold has to grow and spread, the worse these problems will get.  When it comes to mold, time is of the essence, and catching the problem […]

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